Family Tradition Books

  • Our Family Tradition
    A mother shares her love for Christmas and the tradition of cutting down a tree with her family, creating lasting memories.
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  • The Lord's Feasts: for kids Spring Feasts
    The story is a collection of three tales about children learning the significance of religious traditions: Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits. Each story e…
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  • My family tradition!!!
    A child describes their Christmas celebration at their grandparents' house, including playing with cousins, delicious food, and exchanging presents.
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  • The Hunters Prayer
    A man goes hunting and teaches his children about nature and family traditions.
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  • My Thanksgiving
    A child describes their family's Thanksgiving traditions, from shopping for groceries to cooking and enjoying a meal together.
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  • ABC's of MARDI GRAS!
    ABC's of Mardi Gras is a picture book using the alphabet as a way of explaining the many traditions of the Gulf Coast families during this holiday.
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  • Mi Familia: Los Maldonados y Juarez
    This is a heartfelt narrative about the author's Mexican-American family, focusing on their grandparents and the traditions they instilled. The story is filled with vivid mem…
  • eTwinning project ''FAMILY TRADITIONS''
    A collection of short writings about the importance and love for mothers and fathers, as well as ideal family dynamics and traditions.
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