Fdr Books

  • FDR and the New Deal
    A historical account of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency and the New Deal, including its impact and opposition.
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  • My Life During the Depression
    A personal account of a child's experience during the Great Depression, including family struggles, economic hardships, and the impact of FDR's New Deal.
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  • FDR New Deal
    A brief overview of Roosevelt's New Deal and its impact on the economy, as well as some opposition to it.
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  • World War II
    The story highlights the importance of unity and hope among American citizens during World War II, covering various aspects such as employment, women's roles, African America…
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  • Alphabet Soup
    A historical overview of FDR's New Deal programs during the Great Depression, including their impact and legacy.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
    A true story about Eleanor Roosevelt, her life, and her impact as a First Lady. From her childhood to her activism, she showed how to be a good citizen.
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  • My Experience with the Great Depression
    A housewife's account of her life during the Great Depression, including the stock market crash, poverty, survival stories, and FDR's New Deal.
  • How I Survived the Great Depression Zoe F.
    A personal account of a family's life before, during, and after the Great Depression, highlighting the challenges they faced and the impact of FDR's New Deal.
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