Federal Government Books

  • US Gov Project
    An informative book explaining the concept of enumerated, reserved, concurrent, and denied powers in the context of the US government.
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  • The federal, state, and Local Government
    An informational book about the branches of the US government and local government structures.
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  • Civil Rights Project
    The story discusses the natural hair movement among black people, highlighting instances of discrimination and progress in policies. It emphasizes the importance of embracing…
  • 7 Principles Of The U.S Constitution
    This book provides an overview of key concepts in government and the constitution, including popular sovereignty, republicanism, federalism, separation of powers, checks and …
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  • Colorado State Government
    An introduction to the concept of government and its branches, using Colorado as an example. Explains the roles of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches at both t…
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  • State Vs. Federal Government With Edward
    Three individuals named Edward, Teresa, and Juan discuss the powers of the federal and state governments in the United States.
  • Federalist Papers: FOR DUMMIES
    A collection of Federalist Papers discussing the need for a strong government, national army, and protection of rights in the United States.
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  • 7 Principles of the constitution
    An informational text about the principles of American government, including popular sovereignty, republicanism, federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, limite…
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