Feminism Books

  • Poetry Anthology Example
    This is a collection of various types of poems, each followed by a prompt for the reader to respond. The themes range from equality and feminism to personal tragedies and his…
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  • Lauren Lindberg presents:
    The story of Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for president, and her impact on women's rights and future feminist milestones.
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  • What is Feminism?
    A brief history of the feminist movement, its achievements, and ongoing challenges.
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  • Who Are Feminists?
    Tonatiuh visits a museum of feminists and learns about influential women and men who fought for gender equality throughout history.
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  • Emma Watson
    The story follows Emma Watson's life and career, from her early acting roles in Harry Potter to her activism and achievements as a UN Goodwill Ambassador.
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  • Emma  Watson
    The story follows Emma Watson's life and career, from her early acting roles to her activism and achievements as a UN Goodwill Ambassador.
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  • R.A Kartini
    The story of Raden Ajeng Kartini, a leading feminist in Indonesia who fought for women's education and equality.
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  • A Celebrity whom I admire: Jennifer Aniston
    A biography of Jennifer Aniston, highlighting her career as an actress, philanthropy work, and impact on the author.
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