Ferryman Books

  • Monsters of all Origin
    A brief introduction to three characters from Greek mythology: Chiron, Charon, and the Cyclops.
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  • The River
    Siddhartha has a mysterious dream and encounters a river. He meets a ferryman who teaches him about the river's wisdom.
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  • The Path to Peace
    A student at Naval Academy Preparatory School, Rojas struggles to find his place and happiness until he realizes the importance of friendship.
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  • Siddhartha And The River
    Siddhartha wanders the woods, has a dream, and crosses a river with a ferryman. He learns about the beauty and wisdom of the river.
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  • Siddhartha: Kamala
    Siddhartha's journey takes him from the Samanas to a ferryman, a village, and a courtesan named Kamala. He seeks love and knowledge along the way.
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  • The Snow woman
    In a snowy forest, a woodcutter and his apprentice take shelter in a hut. They encounter a mysterious woman who blows cold air on the old man.
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  • Siddhartha in the City
    Siddhartha wanders, meets a ferryman who guides him, stays with Kamala, leaves her for enlightenment, works for Kamaswami, learns about love and his path to enlightenment.
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  • The Adventure through Persephone’s Pearl
    Chloe and Jace, two siblings, embark on a magical adventure during a school field trip to a museum. They find themselves in the underworld where they must rescue each other f…
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