Fireplace Books

  • COCO's baking channel
    Coco's baking channel teaches how to bake fortune cookies, but the instructions are mixed with unrelated content about carrots and opening a carrot shop.
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  • Lowell Elementary School History
    This wonderful piece of literature has encapsulated true and mostly true stories of Lowell Elementary School in Waterloo, Iowa. It was painstakingly researched and written by…
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  • Jojo the Shelter Dog
    A true story of our shelter dog Jojo and how he found love and happiness in his adopted home. Written for my nephew, a big Jojo fan.
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  • The fairytale of Princess Braveheart
    Princess Braveheart loses her hair but learns that true beauty comes from within.
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  • Trains and Train Tracks
    This is a learning book about trains and train tracks for young school children. It uses mainly simple words, which are commonly taught first when learning to read.
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  • Jackson receives a cat named Noel for Christmas. They have many adventures together, but Noel goes missing. Years later, she is found with kittens.
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  • ✰Christmas✰
    A girl wakes up on Christmas morning and finds presents under the tree. She later discovers a lost Santa hat in her fireplace and receives a letter from Santa.
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  • The Gingerbread Girl
    The Gingerbread Girl, Lulu, runs away from danger and encounters various characters on her journey to safety.
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