Flying Foxes Books

  • Flying Foxes: Belief
    A bat named Flying Fox learns about bats, birds, and survival in the wild.
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    An informative text about flying foxes, including their characteristics, habitat, diet, and conservation status.
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  • My Precious Flower
    I hope you enjoyed this book. I cant wait to make another one.
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    Amy thinks the world is small, but she finds a crack through the border, the suddenly realizes that there’s much more she hasn’t seen. But the journey isn’t safe, Amy has o g…
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  • BEYOND 3 sky kingdom
    You like Beyond 1 and 2? then you will really enjoy this!
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  • The Magic Forest Adventure
    Leo discovers a magical forest and meets Felix, a talking rabbit. He learns he must protect the forest and receives a magic leaf to communicate with animals.
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  • Nature's Creations
    Explore our Planet Earth and find out facts about canyons, grasslands, tundra, rainforests and more!
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  • One Magical Day
    Kylie and her family visit Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom, have exciting adventures, meet princesses and Disney characters, and make lasting memories.
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