Folktales Books

  • The Legend of Momotaro
    A popular Japanese folktale about a boy, born from a peach, who helps the local villagers fight a menacing band of demons.
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  • Folktales
    Three short stories explaining why birch trees have stripes, why frogs have no voice, and why bees have their beautiful coats.
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  • The Coming of the Corn
    A Cherokee folktale that can be used to assess student knowledge of plant life cycles.
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  • Throw The Rock, Hide The Hand A Folktale
    Oscar, a black and white puppy, embarks on a journey to meet his father in a faraway land. He learns about different cultures and traditions, and upon returning home, he uses…
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  • Russian Folktale
    A grandpa plants a turnip seed that grows too big to pull out. They call for help from various animals until a mouse finally helps them pull it out.
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  • The Longest Folktale
    A poor herdsman named Makgaola wins a storytelling challenge and marries the princess.
  • Magic Tree House- An African Adventure
    Jack and Annie find a Magic Tree House that takes them on an adventure across Africa to find a missing book of folktales.
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  • Nasreddin Hodja
    A collection of short stories featuring Nasreddin Hodja, a wise and humorous character known for his cleverness and wit.
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