Foodborne Illnesses Books

  • Kitchen Safety And Sanitation
    A guide to kitchen safety and sanitation, providing tips on cleanliness, proper handling of food, and avoiding accidents.
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  • Eating Healthy for Healthy Babies
    A guide for pregnant mothers on how to prevent premature birth and eat a healthy diet during pregnancy.
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  • 10 Tips To Prevent Foodborn Illness
    A list of tips to prevent foodborne illnesses, including handwashing, proper food storage, and cooking temperatures.
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  • Illness and Infection Prevention
    This informative book provides information on how to prevent the spread of germs and infectious diseases in early childhood centers, including tips on hand hygiene, cleaning,…
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  • Rebekah J. Walz
    Sam the Staphylococcus Aureus teaches about food-borne illnesses and how to prevent them, sharing tips and information.
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  • Story Pathogen
    A food-borne pathogen explains the causes of foodborne illnesses and expresses satisfaction in causing pain to a human.
  • Listeria Monocytogenes
    Jerome educates himself and others about Listeria, a foodborne illness, after suspecting contamination in his school. He helps a classmate who falls ill and spreads awareness…
  • The Recipe for Health
    *The Recipe for Health* is a story about Aarav, a curious fifth-grader, who learns the importance of food safety at school. Through engaging lessons, family discussions, and …
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