Formulas Books

  • Volume of a Rectangle Prism
    An informative book explaining the concept of volume and providing a formula for calculating it. Includes examples for practice.
    Eye Icon 284
  • The Friendship Formula
    Anna and Mark navigate friendship challenges, learn effective communication and conflict resolution, and strengthen their bond.
  • Spongebob Squarepants
    This is just a fun SpongeBob Squarepants book describing a few characters from spongebob squarepants
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  • Spongebob's Brain
    Plankton tries to steal the Krabby Patty formula from SpongeBob's brain, learning about its different parts along the way.
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  • Penny Learns About Area and Perimeter
    Join Penny on a visit to her grandpa Poe's cottage. Penny is going to help him make two types of gardens, and grandpa Poe helps Penny learn about area and perimeter. All whil…
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