Fossil Records Books

  • The fossil record of Humanity
    A brief overview of human evolution, starting from orangutans and ending with humans. Each section describes the characteristics of a different species.
  • Evolution
    Charles Darwin explains the evidence supporting his Theory of Evolution, including fossil records, bio-geography, anatomy, embryology, and biochemistry.
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  • Extinction of Dinosaurs
    A brief overview of dinosaurs, their extinction theories, and the concept of fossil records.
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  • The Fossil Record Of The Dinosaurs
    A brief overview of dinosaurs, their extinction, and the evolution of animals. Mentions similarities between T-Rex and chicken.
  • The Cretaceous Paleogene Extinction
    The story explores the fossil record, the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, and its impact on Earth's climate and life forms.
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  • ABC's of dinosaurs and the information
    An informative alphabet book that introduces various dinosaur species, their characteristics, and where their fossils were found.
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  • The Epic Evolution of the TYRANNOSAURUS
    A brief overview of the fossil record and the evolution of T-rex and its ancestors, including Moros Intrepidus, Tarbosaurus Bataar, Daspletosaurus Torosus, Albertosaurinae, L…
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  • The Deinonychus, a dinosaur with sharp hind claws, is believed to have had feathers. The fossil record and missing links complicate our understanding of this dinosaur.
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