Frontier Books

    A story about two children living on a homestead in the plains, their daily chores, and their adjustment to their new home.
  • Daniel Boone
    The life and adventures of Daniel Boone, a famous American pioneer and explorer.
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  • The Wild West
    This book will teach you everything you need to know to excel in American history class no matter how harsh of a teacher you have.
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  • Westward Expansion
    A historical exploration of the American frontier, Indian removal, the Trail of Tears, and the California Gold Rush.
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  • Davy Crockett Before the Alamo
    The story of Davy Crockett, a frontier hero and legend, who fought for justice, served in various careers, and died defending the Alamo.
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  • The Final Frontier... The End or The Beginning
    In the year 2060, Earth is uninhabitable. Dr. Jade and her crew travel through space to find a new home, encountering planets and a wormhole.
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  • Peter Cartwright, the Preacher
    The biography of Peter Cartwright, a Methodist preacher and abolitionist who played a significant role in the religious and social history of the United States.
    A historical fiction story about the Austin family's journey to Texas and their impact on the region.
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