Futuristic Books

  • Futuristic
    A future based on fun adventures. If you like Star Wars or Star Trek, this is the book for you!
    Lily embarks on a time-traveling adventure with Dr. Maya's invention, exploring ancient Egypt and a futuristic city.
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  • LIFE IN 3015
    A boy that lives in the year 3015...hopefully this stuff eventually happens!
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  • Next Level Items
    Explore futuristic gadgets like flying cars, 3D printers, and video game brands in this fun book about technology and innovation.
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  • Life in 2060
    Emma's futuristic day is filled with smart technology, sustainable living, and artistic inspiration.
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  • If I Built a Bedroom
    Zack describes his boring bedroom and imagines a futuristic room with helpful features like robotic cleaning, a toothbrush in the wall, and a secret passage to a toy store.
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  • House of the Scorpion
    The story follows the lives of Matt, a clone, Maria, a human girl, Tam Lin, a bodyguard, and Celia, who takes care of Matt. It explores themes of identity, family, and power …
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    A child has a strange dream where they visit a futuristic city and learn about advanced technology and environmental preservation.
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