Geometric Patterns Books

  • African Arts And Music
    An informative book about Kente cloth, its meaning, color symbolism, geometric patterns, and the Nigerian film industry.
    The story introduces string art as an art form and its history, materials, and techniques.
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  • The Art of Mathematics
    A collection of short paragraphs about various math-related topics, including origami, tangrams, Fibonacci spiral, geometric mean, and COVID-19 pandemic.
  • My First Book
    MATEMATİĞİ OYUNLA ÖĞRENİYORUM - I LEARN MATHEMATICS WITH GAMES is a collection of math games and activities. It includes coding games, pattern games, symmetry games, and more…
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    A brief history of French Baroque architecture and the Chateau of Versailles, with pop-up images showcasing its features.
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  • The Coahuiltecan
    The Coahuiltecan Native American Tribe that lived in South-Central Texas...
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  • Fractals
    An introduction to fractals, their properties, and how they are created using complex numbers.
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  • African Culture
    A brief introduction to Kente cloth, African hip hop, AfroCubism, and Nigerian music, including some historical and cultural context.
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