Ghosts Books

  • Halloween Poems
    A collection of Halloween-themed poems written by different authors, ranging from spooky to humorous.
    Eye Icon 10890
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  • One Spooky Night
    I would like to inspire kids to not be scared of your own fears.
    Eye Icon 1069
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  • The Lonely Ghost
    A lonely ghost befriends some children on Halloween, but they get scared and run away.
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  • Ghost Fighters 1: The Ghosts of Derakin
    A young boy discovers a secret lab under his house, inhabited by ghosts. With the help of his friends and a set of magical jewels, he embarks on a quest to defeat the evil gh…
  • The Ghost Town
    Starr and Tom explore a town called Ghost Town, encounter a ghost, and learn the town's history. They also adopt a dog named Mr. Peabody.
    Eye Icon 163
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  • Ocean and the voices
    This book is about a 3rd grader who has just moved to California. She's scared to start her new school and doesn't really like her house. But as she stays in the house she s…
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  • Mostly Ghostly
    Three five-year-old girls have a haunted experience with a ghostly presence at an old abandoned mansion in their neighborhood.
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  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor
    Mysteries and adventures are guaranteed when you have sisters, muffins, and a big spooky house. Book #1 in the series.
    Eye Icon 47851
    Star Icon 1956
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