Giraffes Books

  • The Zebra and the Giraffe
    A zebra and a giraffe are best friends but they are showing off to each other because one can do something that the other can't. Then they remember that they are two differen…
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  • All About Giraffes
    Facts about giraffes: their height, habitat, diet, sleep patterns, reproduction. Ends with a fun fact.
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    A bedtime story about the animals at the zoo after the sun starts to set. The rhyme was written by an expectant father for his unborn baby daughter.
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  • Doofy the Hippo?
    Doofy does not want to be a hippo any longer. Does he change or accept himself? Maybe both.
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  • Giraffes
    An alphabetical book about giraffes, covering their habitat, diet, and unique characteristics. Intended to help children learn the alphabet and science vocabulary.
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  • The Very Hungry Giraffe
    A hungry giraffe seeks help from various animals but is unsuccessful until a sloth helps him and the animals throw him a picnic.
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  • Griffin the Giraffe
    Griffin, a tall giraffe, faces teasing and loneliness but finds a friend in Terry the turtle, who teaches him to embrace his uniqueness.
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  • Esmerelda the Giraffe
    A fun book for children to read to learn more about giraffes and their special traits.
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