Global Communication Books

  • Exploring Mars
    In this book, we look at the complete history of missions to Mars. beginning in 1960 and continuing through the present day (June 2019). We also look at planned and possible …
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    An informative book about the history, types, characteristics, and uses of the Internet, along with its advantages and disadvantages.
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  • World Englishes & Culture
    This book explores the importance and impact of the English language globally, discussing its advantages and disadvantages.
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    People often judge Coronavirus as a risky, deathly illness. But are they really bad to other aspects?
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  • World Englishes
    Explore the depths of World Englishes and learn about the spread and development of the English language. Discover the different varieties and their impact on global communic…
  • ABC's of The Cold War
    An alphabetical list of terms related to the Cold War, providing brief explanations for each term.
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    Introduction to Global Englishes. Explains the importance of global English for successful communication. Discusses different models and descriptions of the spread of English…
  • The New Skeld pt 3
    The final installment of "The New Skeld" series...the whole series delves into the new wave of astronauts, who are tasked to make peace around the multiverse. The series is 2…
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