Government Relief Books

  • The Great Depression: My Family
    A middle-class family struggles to survive during the Great Depression, facing poverty, hunger, and government relief programs.
  • 凌道扬 Ling Daoyang
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  • My Name Is My Superpower
    Ashanti feels invisible and disconnected from her school community until she develops the courage to teach people the correct pronunciation and meaning of her name.
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  • ABC's of The Great Depression
    An alphabetical overview of key topics and events during the Great Depression, including agriculture, Black Thursday, collapse, Dust Bowl, education, Franklin D. Roosevelt, H…
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  • The New Deal
    A brief overview of the New Deal, its pros and cons, when it happened, what happened during it, where it happened, its main purpose, and its impact on the Great Depression.
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  • Choosing God: Stories from our Family History
    Hannah and William, along with others, faced choices of faith and service in their lives, leading to significant personal and spiritual growth amidst challenges.
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  • Sir George Yeardley A Jamestowne Story of a Soldier, Captain, Governor, Planter, and Adventurer
    The story is a historical account of Sir George Yeardley, an adventurer who was part of the first permanent settlement in America. It details his experiences, from being ship…
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  • Great Depression & Dust Bowl
    A brief overview of the hardships faced during the Great Depression, including unemployment, soup kitchens, the Bonus Army, riding the rails, President Hoover's response, Roo…
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