Graffiti Books

  • A girl named Ioli-Geo explains the meaning of graffiti and its impact on the world, showcasing various examples.
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  • Graffiti
    An introduction to graffiti, its tools, types, and legality.
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    Jake, a talented artist, starts a business after gaining recognition for his graffiti art. He faces new opportunities and challenges.
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  • Sophie The Street Artist
    Sophie, a street artist, is commissioned to create a mural in her hometown. She gathers her materials and explains the difference between street art and graffiti.
  • Maria's Story
    Maria, a girl who is bullied for her appearance, finds support from her friend Dina and their teacher. They confront the bullies and raise awareness about bullying through gr…
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  • the three spies
    Chef Graffiti is winning every medal at the Winter festival and the three spies want those medals. Will they get them? Or will Chef Graffiti keep his winnings? Turn the page …
  • Trains of the U.S.A
    A presentation on different trains, their history, and fun facts about them, with a focus on safety.
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  • Mykola Lypka
    An overview of the history and elements of hip-hop, including DJing, emsing, graffiti, and breaking.
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