Grandfather Books

    Little Angel, in an interesting and educational way, takes you through the story of his grandfather, who knits with great love and skill. Through this story, you will learn t…
  • Emma's Hope
    This is the story of my niece Emma "Emmie", and her love for her grandfather, who the whole family knew as "Papa".
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  • What is a Poppy?
    A heartwarming tribute to a beloved grandfather figure, highlighting his qualities and impact on the author's life.
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  • Nowadays
    A grandfather takes his grandchildren to a museum, reminiscing about his own childhood visits and noticing the changes. He learns that change is important and enjoys sharing …
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  • Thanksgiving With My Family
    Many of the holidays throughout the year bring out the very best in each and every one of us. For one day love can be so powerful that we smile until we all meet again. Smile
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  • My Grandfather, Hugo
    A collection of memories and quotes about summer at Sunset Chimneys with Hugo.
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    Neville Sarle is an obnoxious kid who likes to pull pranks on his classmates. But is he really a bad guy or is he just looking for attention? After fooling around with his sc…
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  • A Visit to Grandfather's Orchard
    Udin and Idin visit their grandfather in the village and learn about different local fruits at the orchard.
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