Great Seal Books

  • The Poems of Nature Volume 1
    A poem book with poems about nature stating true facts in fun rhymes. You'll be learning and not even you won't even know it! I also have a volume 2 that I hope you will read…
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  • The Seal, the Puffin & the Moose
    A cute story about a seal, a puffin and a moose and how each thinks they know everything. However, while each has their own "view" they each only know a part of the story. Gr…
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  • Leland the Lion wants to be a Lifeguard
    Leland is a Lion who wants to be a lifeguard but is constantly told he cannot become one. However, he learns the powerful lesson that one can achieve what it is they want to …
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  • The Seal of the U.S.A
    This story provides a detailed history of the Great Seal of the United States, from its inception to its current form. It discusses the various committees involved in its des…
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  • The Great Seal of the United States
    The story describes the design and symbolism of the Great Seal of the United States, found on the dollar bill.
  • Peter the Adventurous Penguin
    Peter the Penguin dreams of adventure beyond Antarctica. He meets a wise seal and playful dolphins, finds a magical Ice Crystal, and returns home a hero, inspiring his colony…
  • All About Sharks
    An informational book about different types of sharks, their habitats, and what they eat.
    A brief introduction to different types of sharks, their characteristics, and behaviors.
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