Greenwich Books

  • Places in the local area and times and dates
    This informative book explains time zones, the Prime Meridian, and the history of measuring time. It also mentions the Time Ball in Greenwich.
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  • Travel around Greenwich.
    Explore the historical and cultural attractions of Greenwich, including the Royal Observatory, Cutty Sark, National Maritime Museum, Queen's House, and Greenwich Park.
    Four children named Kick, Nick, Jack, and Little Mo hate vegetables but eventually learn to love them and become healthy.
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  • The First Fleet - Arthur Phillip
    The story provides information about Captain Arthur Philip and the First Fleet's journey to Australia, as well as details about Britain in the 18th century.
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  • Mathematics Is All Around Us: Celebrating Great Local Mathematicians
    This book celebrates local mathematicians from various countries, highlighting their contributions to mathematics and education, and inspiring future generations.
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    The Peter Harrison Planetarium is a digital laser planetarium in Greenwich Park, London. It uses advanced technology to project images onto the dome.
  • Turkish Angoras
    The story provides information about Turkish Angora cats, including their characteristics, history, and popularity. The author also shares personal experiences with their own…
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  • British History 1550-1650
    A brief overview of major events in British history from 1550-1650, including the reigns of Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I, and James I, as well as the Gunpowder Plot and the…
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