My Public / Unpublished Books (17)

  • This book celebrates local mathematicians from various countries, highlighting their contributions to mathematics and education, and inspiring future generations.
    by VassAngela
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  • A fourth grader starts at a new school and makes friends. They explore the school, play sports, go on a picnic, visit a nursing home, and learn about the importance of forest…
    by VassAngela
    Eye Icon 97
  • 'Girl, the party is awesome! Everyone is having fun!' screamed my best friend Sarah at our party. Suddenly, the police arrived and informed me that my parents were missing. D…
    by VassAngela
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  • Will Connolly, a boy with red hair and blue eyes, eats a pear from the lightning tree and gains superpowers. He struggles to control them and accidentally kills his grandmoth…
    by VassAngela
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  • by VassAngela
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  • Will Connolly, a young boy raised by his grandmother, sits under a tree called 'the lightning tree' and contemplates climbing it to taste its fruits.
    by VassAngela
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  • Will Connolly, a young boy raised by his grandmother, discovers a tree with magical fruits that can control thunderstorms.
    by VassAngela
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  • Justin, a 16-year-old boy with an angel mother and demon father, discovers his true identity and sets out to meet his parents.
    by VassAngela
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  • by VassAngela
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  • by VassAngela
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  • by VassAngela
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  • Gabriella, a girl from a boring city, becomes a model and marries the CEO of a modeling agency. She travels the world but faces challenges with fame and has a life-altering c…
    by VassAngela
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  • David, a new student at a language school, falls in love with Mady. After some ups and downs, they get married and have children.
    by VassAngela
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  • by VassAngela
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  • by VassAngela
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  • A person wakes up in a ruined city with no memory and a mission to find a blue stone to save Earth. They encounter obstacles and use their skills to overcome them.
    by VassAngela
    Eye Icon 24

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