Hagia Sophia Books

  • Hagia Sophia
    A description of the Hagia Sophia, an old building in Istanbul that was once a church and later a mosque, now a museum. It has a big dome, pretty pictures, old writings, and …
  • The Legend of the Column of Marcian
    A girl with magical powers carries a stone for Hagia Sophia, but it turns out to be a lie. The stone has special powers and causes trouble for women.
  • I am looking for my job
    A brief introduction to historical landmarks in Istanbul, including Haydarpaşa Station, Maiden's Tower, Basilica Cistern, and Hagia Sophia Mosque.
  • Byzantine Empire
    A brief overview of the Byzantine Empire, including its capital Constantinople, Emperor Justinian I, Empress Theodora, cultural diffusion, and Hagia Sophia.
    A brief description of historical landmarks and symbols in Istanbul, including the Hagia Sophia Mosque, Topkapı Palace, Dolmabahçe Palace, Galata Tower, Girl Tower, and Yavuz…
  • The Book of peacocks
    A story about the Byzantine Empire, represented by peacocks, and its transformation under Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora.
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  • Byzantine Empire Story Book
    A brief overview of the Byzantine Empire, including its history, rulers, cultural diffusion, religion, and decline.
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    A brief overview of the Byzantine Empire, its rulers, influence, and decline.
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