Hats Books

  • Winston the Cat And His Polka-dotted Hat
    Winston, a black and white cat, searches for his polka-dotted hat in various places but can't find it. With the help of his friend Chuckles, they check the woods and get caug…
    Eye Icon 625
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  • Grandpa, What Did You Do When You Were Little Without A Phone?
    When he was little and before there were mobile phones, grandpa found many ways to live an interesting life.
    Eye Icon 64772
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  • Penguin's New Hat
    This is a story about a little penguin and how he saves his beloved friends and ice cream cones.
    by AL81
    Eye Icon 1607
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  • Terry And The Stranger
    Terry learns a valuable lesson about talking to strangers.
    Eye Icon 39636
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  • Charley's Hats
    Charley uses different hats to pretend he is in various roles and situations.
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  • My Fire Truck
    A brief introduction to firefighters and their equipment, including fire trucks, hats, and extinguishers.
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  • Cat in the Hat
    A mischievous cat visits two children and creates chaos in their house, but cleans up before their mother returns.
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  • Lost Hat!
    Kenzi and Dallin were reading a book with no colors! Everything was boring until someone pops up.. literally!
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