Health Issues Books

  • A Dog Named Leila By Paul Bradley
    This is a heartwarming story of Leila, a dog who overcomes her fears and health issues to form a loving bond with her new family. The narrative follows her journey from being…
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  • The Story of Frida Kahlo
    This is a detailed biography of Frida Kahlo, from her birth in Mexico City to her death. It covers her struggles with health issues, her development as an artist, and her rel…
  • dreaming of summer storms
    A young girl named Leali goes through various life events, including her parents' health issues and her own dreams and aspirations.
  • Cocker Spaniels
    An informative book about cocker spaniels, their characteristics, history, and health issues.
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  • Who is ill?
    A collection of short stories about different children with various health issues who need to see a doctor.
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  • down syndrome
    A brief overview of Down Syndrome, including its causes, characteristics, and challenges faced by individuals with the condition.
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  • The Shrinking of the Aral Sea
    The story discusses the environmental and health impacts of the shrinking Aral Sea due to agricultural diversion, including increased salinity, loss of wildlife and jobs, and…
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