Health Risks Books

  • Chocolate Milk Should Be Banned!
    A persuasive essay arguing against serving chocolate milk in schools due to its high sugar and calorie content, which can lead to childhood obesity.
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  • Your Body is Remarkable
    This book explores different aspects of health, including mental, physical, and social health, as well as risk factors and heredity. It emphasizes the importance of taking ca…
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  • Why Smoking and Tobacco is bad for you...
    An informative book about smoking and its effects on the body, including tooth loss, cancer-causing chemicals, addiction, and health risks.
  • The Dangers Of Smoking
    Timmy and Drew have a conversation about smoking cigarettes, where Drew learns about the health risks associated with it.
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    The story discusses the causes, effects, and prevention of climate change, emphasizing the importance of taking action to preserve the planet for future generations.
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  • Good Eating
    Petunia learns about the importance of eating nutritious foods and the potential health risks of consuming too many sugary snacks.
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  • Personal Health
    The book is a comprehensive guide on maintaining overall health and wellness for teenagers. It covers physical, mental/emotional, and social wellbeing, the influence of lifes…
  • Please Do Not Vape, It Is Hard Escape
    A cautionary poem about the dangers of vaping, including addiction, health risks, and peer pressure. Encourages readers to make healthy choices.
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