Herd Vaccination Books

  • Grandpa and the Great, Big, Giant Coronavirus
    Grandpa explains to Sam about the COVID-19 pandemic, its origins, how it spread, and the measures taken to control it. He also explains concepts like viruses, vaccines, and h…
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  • Ring and Herd Immunity
    This book provides information about ring and herd vaccination strategies, their effectiveness against diseases like smallpox and polio, and the risks and adverse effects of …
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    An informational book explaining the concept of immunity, types of immunity, defense mechanisms, and related terms like antigens, allergens, autoimmune disorders, vaccination…
  • Immunity for Dummies
    An informational book about immunity, its types, functions, and related concepts like antigens, hormones, allergens, and autoimmune disorders.
  • The 2020-2021 Quarantine
    The story provides a timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic, its impact on different countries, and the changes it brought to daily life. It also mentions the development of vacci…
    by G0b0
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  • Immunity for Dummies!
    A chapter book explaining the concept of immunity, types of immunity, defense mechanisms, allergens, and vaccinations.
  • Buffalo
    A collection of facts and information about buffaloes, including their hunting history, anatomy, diet, uses, health, and parasites.
  • ABC's of _____________
    An alphabet book that introduces various words and facts about different topics, from animals to places and concepts.
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