Homesteading Books

    A story about two children living on a homestead in the plains, their daily chores, and their adjustment to their new home.
  • Journey to the West
    John Brown, a homesteader, leaves Chicago for Amarillo, Texas. He faces challenges but ultimately succeeds and predicts a prosperous future.
  • The West
    A man and his family move to free land, face challenges with weather and crops, but eventually find success.
  • My Travel West
    Isabel and her family, homesteaders moving to the West, face challenges like weather, Native American tribes, and crossing the Missouri River.
  • It's a Hot Vibe Here
    Pasqa, with his wolf, moves to the west to start a new life. He plans to mine gold, raise animals, and live happily ever after.
  • homesteaders
    A family of homesteaders travels from New York to Omaha, encountering challenges and settling in Chicago before reaching their destination.
  • Homesteader Journey Project
    A poor farmer named Michael Burch moves his family to the Great Plains to take advantage of the Homestead Act, facing challenges along the way.
  • Westward Expansion Book
    Grace and her family embark on a journey to the Great Plains to become homesteaders. They face challenges, meet other settlers, and adapt to the harsh environment.
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