Hospitalized Children Books

  • Let's Bee Loving, Optimistic, Valuable, Enthusiastic, Veracious
    Various stories of love and acts of kindness, including bringing gifts to the elderly, hospitalized children, and animals in need.
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  • I am Surviving Asthma
    Hey guy's thank you for reading my book! I hope I can get 100 views before March 21st! Remember to like my book!!!!
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  • My Colorful Life in Black and White
    This is an autobiographical account of Marie Burns, a 72-year-old woman. She shares her life experiences from childhood to adulthood, including family history, school memorie…
  • My Flat Student
    Enjoying every single of our life is the best way to give thanks. You don't need tobe "different" to enjoy it.
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  • Family Life Cycle
    This is a life journey of Kathryn and Jarred, from their engagement to their deaths. It covers their wedding, parenthood, financial struggles, joys, and sorrows. The story en…
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    A virus called COVID-19 spreads worldwide, causing illness. Healthcare workers sacrifice time with loved ones to care for patients. Children establish rules to fight the viru…
  • Dwayne
    Discover the life of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, from his challenging childhood to his success in wrestling and acting, showcasing his talents and cultural pride.
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