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This essay explores the life and impact of Patrick Henry during the Revolutionary War, highlighting his role as a persuasive speaker and his famous quote.
by jenj789

A collection of historical events, figures, and concepts related to the United States, including the 15th Amendment, Bill of Rights, Emancipation Proclamation, and more.
by marisamesa3

An informational book about the Southern colonies, including their founding, economy, government, and use of slaves.

A brief overview of the Southern Colonies, their founding, economy, and the introduction of slavery.
by paytondavis8

This is a historical account of various American figures and events, including John Adams, the Stamp Act, Treaty of Paris, Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, Virg…
by srnstw

This book provides a brief overview of early forms of government, including the Magna Carta, federalism, Mayflower Compact, English Bill of Rights, House of Burgesses, and Pe…

This story introduces and explains key concepts of government and political systems, such as popular sovereignty, federalism, separation of powers, republicanism, checks and …
by 1567256

A somewhat disorganized and incomplete overview of the exploration and colonization of the New World by Spain, France, and England, as well as the establishment of English co…

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