Human Settlement Books

  • Chapter On Human Settlements
    HELLO EVERYONE, this book is for grade 7 pupils
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  • 5 Themes of Geography
    Exploring the 5 Themes of Geography, connecting to 3rd Grade NC Standards, and connecting them to 3 different locations: Apex, NC; Wilmington, NC; Grand Canyon National Park.
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  • The Great Fall
    Pumantha, a friendly puma, leads the animals in the Amazon to fight against human settlement and protect their ecosystem.
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  • Trip to Mesopotamia
    A family of nomads searches for a place to settle, eventually finding Mesopotamia. They build a house, grow crops, and create an irrigation system.
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  • Northern Europe
    The story provides a detailed overview of Northern Europe, covering its physical features, climate, natural resources, and history. It also delves into the specific character…
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  • Natural Regions
    A geography lesson about different natural regions and their characteristics, including climate, vegetation, animals, and human settlements.
  • Tourist areas in Jordan
    A description of historical sites in Jordan, including Jerash, Ajloun Castle, Hammam Ma'in, Aqaba, the Dead Sea, and the Roman theater in Amman.
  • Tiger's Decision
    Tiger's backstory before Midnight. How did Socks come to the gang? How was The Feline Legacy Started? This book explains it all.
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