Implied Books

  • How a Bill becomes a Law
    This informative text provides a detailed explanation of the legislative process in the United States, from the introduction of a bill to its potential signing into law. It i…
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  • What Are Contracts?
    An informative book about different types of contracts, including bilateral, unilateral, and implied contracts, with examples and explanations.
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  • Elise's New Friend
    Elise is afraid when she meets the monster in her closet, but is pleasantly surprised in the end.
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  • Mostly Ghostly
    Three five-year-old girls have a haunted experience with a ghostly presence at an old abandoned mansion in their neighborhood.
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  • McCulloch v. Maryland
    In 1816, Congress created the Second Bank of the U.S. A tax dispute led to a Supreme Court case that established federal government supremacy over states and implied powers.
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  • It's Time to do the potty dance!
    Peaches, an elephant in Africa, learns about potty training and overcomes her accidents with the help of her parents.
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  • Powers of Congress Comic Book
    Congress Man, a superhero, encounters a mob of people outside his house who are being targeted by the Expressed Powers. He educates his friend about the powers of Congress an…
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  • Gitlow Gets into Trouble!
    A cat named Gitlow writes about his dislike for the government and is charged under the Criminal Anarchy Law. The story explores the legal arguments surrounding freedom of sp…
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