Important Events Books

  • My Biography
    A nine-year-old boy named Jaidyn Velez shares details about his personality, important events, interests, talents, and future plans.
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  • My Timeline About Myself (:
    A personal narrative of the author's life from birth to age twelve, highlighting important events and milestones.
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    A collection of short stories about important events in the author's life, including graduation, family trips, birthdays, and religious ceremonies.
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  • Soccer Players
    A book about soccer, including famous players and events, with a focus on the World Cup and women's soccer.
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  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • Woods Runner's most important events
    Samuel, Annie, and Amber navigate the dangers of the Revolutionary War to find Samuel's parents and reach safety in Philadelphia.
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  • Important Events of The French Revolution
    A brief overview of key events during the French Revolution, including the Meeting of the Estates General, Tennis Court Oath, Storming of the Bastille, Execution of Louis XVI…
  • Important events in our life
    A brief account of two friends' achievements and milestones from childhood to adolescence.
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