Indian Nationalism Books

  • India Becomes A British Colony
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  • ABC's of Imperialism
    A brief overview of imperialism and its impact on various countries, including Africa, China, Japan, and Latin America.
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  • ABC's of Imperialism
    A collection of short descriptions about various topics related to imperialism, including events, countries, and concepts.
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  • Imperialism in India
    A brief overview of India's history, including the Indus Valley civilization, British colonization, and the Indian Independence movement.
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  • U.S. History Timeline Project
    A brief overview of important events in American history from the Magna Carta to the end of the Civil War.
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  • Femei care au schimbat lumea
    Florence Nightingale, known as 'The Lady With the Lamp,' was a British nurse and social reformer. She founded modern nursing and greatly influenced healthcare in the 19th and…
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  • U.S. History
    A list of historical events and concepts from Magna Carta to the Industrial Revolution.
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  • U.S. History Timeline Project
    A list of historical events and documents from Magna Carta to Vicksburg, covering various eras and topics in American history.
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