Indigenous Books

  • When our family grew...
    Two indigenous communities, one by the mountains and one by the water, meet and merge, facing a challenge of building enough tipis for the winter.
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  • The story of Gaitana, an indigenous woman who resisted Spanish colonization in Huila, Colombia. She gathered natives to fight against the invaders and was eventually betrayed…
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  • Stories as Placed-Based Pedagogies Looking at The North York Region In The Eyes of The
    This book presents the Sky Woman creation story from Haudenosaunee tradition, followed by a detailed history of North York and its indigenous inhabitants. It concludes with a…
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  • In My Brother's Clothes An Indigenous Story
    Layla, a girl from a struggling family, faces challenges at school but finds support from a teacher who helps her succeed and become a teacher herself.
  • To See With My Heart
    This short story is about using our hearts to see and understand the Seven Grandfather teachings on how people should behave toward others and the Creator through the Indigen…
  • Legend of Cantuña
    Legend of Cantuña, an indigenous builder who outsmarted the Devil to save his soul and complete a church atrium.
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  • An Adventure of Wounaan Children and Many Birds
    The story is about Wounaan children, Chibau and K'õsi, who learn about their culture, traditions, and the importance of nature through various experiences. They interact with…
  • Bastion Point Protest
    The story follows the history of the Te Kawau tribe and their struggles with the government over land ownership.
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