Inference Books

  • Charlie's Big Day
    Charlie excitedly tells his mom about what he learned in school - the scientific method and the importance of observation and inference.
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  • Observation & Inferences
    The story explains the concepts of observation and inference, their importance, and how they are used in various situations and professions.
    by zee1
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  • The Mystery Box
    Nayeli, a curious girl, finds a box in the forest and uses her senses to observe its contents. She infers it's an apple but realizes she ate someone else's treat and runs awa…
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  • The Powers of Observation:
    The Power of observation as told through the eyes of two young deer, as they try to figure out why the forest is changing
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  • The Foolish Monkey
    In a forest town, animals make fun of a monkey for always choosing the bigger but less valuable coin. The monkey plays along to benefit from their assumptions.
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  • Observe, Conclude, and Inference
    Young pirate Buckeye discovers the relationship between sand temperature and sun exposure, leading to a scientific journey and becoming a renowned scientist.
  • A Birthday Gift! by: Malak Hbaish
    Hello students! this activity is a very interesting one that will help you learn how to infer, and how to use this skill in your exercises!
  • Observation and Inferences
    Two brother bears, Beary and Grizzold, go to a lake to find fish but discover they are gone. They search for another place to eat and find a river with plenty of fish.
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