Influenza Books

  • Who has H. Influenza?
    Four children experience different symptoms of H. Influenza, highlighting the seriousness of the infection.
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  • Story of a Disorder: Influenza
    Anna gets the flu and learns about its symptoms, treatment, and prevention from the doctor.
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  • What's the Flu?
    A conversation about influenza, its symptoms, prevention, and long-lasting effects.
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    Sneed the Clown explains what influenza is, how it spreads, its symptoms, and how to prevent it.
  • Infectious vs. Noninfectious Diseases
    This book provides information about diseases, the immune system, and specific diseases like influenza and asthma.
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  • Influenza
    The story provides information about the flu, its symptoms, treatment, prevention, and high-risk groups. It emphasizes the importance of vaccination and hygiene practices.
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  • Influenza
    This story provides information about influenza, its symptoms, treatment, prevention, and impact on quality of life.
  • Frank Got The Flu
    Frank gets sick with the flu and learns about his body's immune system and how it fights off foreign invaders.
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