Information Management Books

  • Visual Creation Story Book
    The book is a comprehensive guide on various aspects of business management, including communication, customer relations, information management, professional development, ec…
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  • All About A popular korean Girl Group - Twice
    This book provides information about the K-pop girl group Twice, including their members, debut date, and management company.
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  • ABC's of Science
    An alphabetical list of scientific terms and their definitions, from astronomy to zoology.
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  • Business and Finance Storybook
    The book is a comprehensive guide on various aspects of business, including communication skills, customer relations, information management, professional development, busine…
  • Principles of Business and Finance
    The story is a detailed exploration of various aspects of business management, including communication skills, customer relations, information management, professional develo…
  • healthy life style
    The story provides information about what a healthy lifestyle entails, including healthy eating, physical activity, weight management, and stress management. It also offers 8…
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  • Water management of Aquaville
    This book provides information about the establishment and management of public water and solid waste utilities, including their organizational structure, services, finances,…
  • Wildlife Biologists and Zoologists
    A description of the work and responsibilities of wildlife biologists, including their education, salary, and fieldwork. The narrator expresses a desire to become a wildlife …
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