Innovation Books

  • SDGs and Me
    Gary loses his job and home due to rising rent costs in America. He is unable to afford a home and food.
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  • Norman and the Wheat
    A young boy named Norman Borlaug experiments with wheat to create a shorter, sturdier plant that can withstand wind and produce more grain. His success leads him to become a …
  • Liam's Helpful Hobby
    Liam and his brother discover their grandfather's love for the song 'These Boots are Made for Walking'. Liam moves to a new neighborhood where he befriends Timmy, a boy recov…
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  • Merlin's Transportation Innovation
    Merlin sets out to use transportation technology to help King Arthur reach England quickly.
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  • Steve Jobs
    This book provides a chronological account of Steve Jobs' life, from his childhood to his contributions and successes in the technology industry, and ultimately his death.
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  • 3D Printing (It's changing our world)
    Code the cat explains 3D printing, its process, benefits, and applications in a kid-friendly manner.
  • Apple from 1977-2008
    This story provides a detailed timeline of Apple's product development from 1977 to 2008, highlighting key innovations and changes in design.
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  • Fun Career, Environmental Engineer
    This book introduces the role of an environmental engineer and showcases their work in improving the environment through various projects and innovations.
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