Instructional Design Books

  • Instructional Design Final Project
    A 6th grade math lesson plan that focuses on vocabulary, unit prices, and problem-solving. It incorporates technology and cognitive development.
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  • Reflection of IDT 7061 Instructional Design
    A student reflects on their experience in an instructional design course, discussing the modules and assignments they completed and their growth in understanding technology i…
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  • Instructional Design and Educational Technology Reflection
    A teacher reflects on how a course changed their perspective on various educational tools and strategies.
  • Ideas for a New Instructional Design Paradigm
    This story introduces the concept of a paradigm and discusses new goals for instructional paradigms. It provides an example of a lesson using the new paradigm model.
  • A Piece Of Mind 180 Days of Mayhem
    This is a collection of students' personal narrative excerpts from their individual memoirs and their selective poems.
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  • Does Media Influence Learning?
    A discussion of the debate between Richard Clark and Robert Kozma on the influence of media on learning, along with reflections on personal experiences and thoughts on integr…
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  • Learner Digital Stories in a Web 2.0 Age
    A project description of a digital storytelling program for ESL students, including objectives, outline, and student feedback.
  • I Used to Think... but, NOW I Think...
    A new teacher shares his experiences and thoughts on using technology in the classroom, discussing various tools and methods such as Google Docs, Bloom's Taxonomy, and visual…
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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