Interactivity Books

  • Stop and Go, Fast and Slow
    This book is designed for HD Ningbo School Year One students to learn about movements.
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    A poetic exploration of autumn's arrival, blending nature's imagery with emotional reflections and the metaphor of thinking hats to represent different perspectives.
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  • Toddlers on the Go
    A short and simple book about the abilities of a toddler, encouraging interaction and self-reflection.
  • Parts of the Body
    Peter and Sara teach about different parts of the body, their functions, and engage in interactive activities.
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  • Old Macdonald Farm
    Macdonald introduces his farm and animals, showcasing their sounds. Old Macdonald invites the reader to feed the animals and Ted helps milk the cow.
  • Tom and his body
    Tom introduces his body parts and asks children questions about their own body parts.
    An informative book about the history, types, characteristics, and uses of the Internet, along with its advantages and disadvantages.
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  • Importance of technology in education
    The story discusses the evolution of technology, its impact on education and daily life, and the pros and cons of its use.
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