International Relations Books

  • Helen Keller
    The biography of Helen Keller, a deaf and blind woman who overcame adversity to become an educator, activist, and journalist.
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  • School of law and international relations.Career:Bachelor´s degree in international relations and business.Subject: Interm
    Biographies of four iconic figures: Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Selena Quintanilla, and Marilyn Monroe.
  • School of law and international relations.Career:Bachelor´s degree in international relations and business.Subject: Interm
    This book provides information about various lakes and haunted houses in El Salvador, as well as volcanoes in Costa Rica and Guatemala.
  • Nuclear War Declared by North Korea
    Tensions rise between North Korea and the United States as Kim Jong Un plans a nuclear attack, but his plans are foiled by American spies.
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  • The Golden Years
    The story provides a detailed account of the Five Tribes during the Golden Years before the American Civil War, their governmental and economic reconstruction, religious life…
  • The U.S and North Korea
    The story discusses the tense relationship between the United States and North Korea, including missile tests and threats. It ends with a potential peace meeting.
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    A comparison of Turkey, Greece, Czech Republic, and Poland, highlighting their geographical location, rich cultural heritage, cuisine, language, and tourist destinations.
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  • Military Development: Korean War
    The Korean War started in 1950 when North Korean troops invaded South Korea. The war escalated with the involvement of the U.S, UN, China, and the Soviet Union. After 13 mont…
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