Isolationism Books

  • Isolationism
    A poem about America's isolationist policies during World War II and its consequences.
  • Chinese Dynasties
    This story provides a brief overview of the Tang and Song dynasties in China, their achievements, the Mongol invasion, and the Ming dynasty.
  • America's Envolving Relationship
    A brief overview of America's entry into World War One, the concept of isolationism, and the Progressive movement's impact on large businesses.
  • U.S Involvement in World War 2
    A brief overview of America's isolationist policies and eventual involvement in World War 2.
  • WWII Interactive
    A brief overview of major events in World War II, including the Treaty of Versailles, rise of Hitler, US isolationism, Pearl Harbor, internment camps, and the atomic bombings…
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  • History of Japan
    A historical overview of Japan from ancient times to the present, highlighting key events and transitions.
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  • NATO and Warsaw pact
    A brief overview of the creation and purpose of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, two military alliances formed during the Cold War.
    by ZM99
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  • Letters of George Washington
    A brief overview of important terms and events in American history, including the cabinet, George Washington, isolationism, and more.
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