Joseph Thomson Books

  • J.J. Thomson and The Discovery of Electron
    A biography of Sir Joseph John Thomson, a British physicist who discovered the electron and made significant contributions to atomic structure.
  • Atomic Structure History
    This story provides a historical overview of the development of atomic models, from Thomson's raisin pudding model to modern quantum mechanics.
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  • History of Atom
    This book provides a historical overview of atomic models, from the earliest ideas to the quantum model. It explains the development and limitations of each model.
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  • The Atom Book
    A brief overview of the lives and contributions of several famous scientists, including Democritus, Antoine Lavoisier, John Dalton, Dmitri Mendeleev, James Chadwick, J.J. Tho…
  • Atomic Structure Project
    This book provides an overview of Dalton's and Thomson's atomic models, their advancements, and experiments.
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