Karst Lakes Books

  • Alaska's Alphabet
    An alphabetical guide to Alaska, covering its capital, dams, earthquakes, flag, glaciers, bears, islands, jade, karst, lakes, mountains, native people, ocean, planetariums, q…
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  • Stars
    The Sosnovsky district in Russia's Nizhny Novgorod region is known for its ecological status and numerous natural monuments, including karst lakes and pine forests. Tourist b…
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  • ABC's of New York State
    An alphabetical tour of New York State, covering its agriculture, beavers, capital, dams, Erie Canal, forts, geology, Hudson River, islands, jazz, karst, lakes, mountains, Na…
  • Geography of North America
    A book that introduces key concepts and vocabulary about the geography of North America using letters of the alphabet.
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  • OLM
    Introduces the olm, an endemic species in Croatia. Describes its appearance, habitat, diet, lifespan, and importance.
  • We are all connected
    This book was created as part of an eTwinning project "Green Environment".
    In this e-book, we will try to make a connection, through watercourses, between the countries …
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  • Wonders of
    Students of "Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev" present the wealth of Bulgaria's Cultural Heritage.
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    A collection of descriptions of various historical and natural sites in Turkey, including Cappadocia, Ephesus, and Topkapi Palace.
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