Key Figures Books

  • The History of Thoroughbred Horse Racing in Kentucky
    This book provides a comprehensive history of horse racing in Kentucky, from its origins in Ancient Greece to the present day. It covers key figures, famous horses, and signi…
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  • The American Revolution ABC Book
    A comprehensive overview of the American Revolution, including key events, figures, and its impact on the United States.
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  • The
    The story of Stephen F. Austin, a key figure in Texas history, from his birth to his impact on the state's development and independence.
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  • Russo-Ukranian war
    The story provides a brief overview of the Russo-Ukrainian war, including its causes, major events, and key figures involved.
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    A brief overview of the American Revolution, including key events, figures, and concepts.
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  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor (Mysteries at the Mapletown Party)
    'Mysteries at the Mapletown Party' is book #3 in the 'Sisters of Muffin Manor' series. Fun and exciting true stories from a Halloween costume party and the strange happenings…
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  • Christianity
    An overview of the origin, beliefs, holy book, celebrations, key figures, and symbols of Christianity.
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  • Christianity
    An informative book about the origins, beliefs, holidays, key figures, and symbols of Christianity.
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