King Kamehameha Books

  • History of Hawaii
    A brief history of Hawaii, from Captain James Cook's arrival to its statehood in 1959.
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  • Ashley's Flat Stanley Visits Kauai
    Read about Flat Stanley as he vistits and learns about Hawaii.
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  • Hawaiian ABC's
    A children's book about Hawaii, covering various aspects of the culture, geography, and history of the islands.
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  • Aloha Hawaii
    This book is for ED 211 and is about Hawaiian History
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  • Aloha! From Hawaii
    This is an informative book about Hawaii, covering various aspects from A to Z. Each letter represents a unique aspect of Hawaiian culture, geography, or history.
  • A Hawaiian Adventure
    Malia shows her cousin Kayla around Oahu, visiting tourist attractions like Hanauma Bay and Pearl Harbor, and experiencing Hawaiian culture.
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  • Lets take a trip around Hawaii!
    An informative book about Hawaii, its culture, geography, and history, with a focus on vocabulary and facts.
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  • Hawaii
    An informational book about Hawaii, covering its geography, economy, climate, and other facts.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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