Kumbi Books

  • The Story of Gold For Salt
    A trader embarks on a journey through the Sahara Desert, encountering various challenges and trading opportunities along the way.
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  • Gold and Salt Storyboard
    A journey across the Sahara explores the challenges faced, including sandstorms, water scarcity, and getting lost. The story also highlights the trade routes in Taghaza, Ghan…
  • Sahara Man: A Trader in Search of Riches
    In Cairo, a trader embarks on a journey to exchange salt for gold, facing challenges in the Sahara and navigating the rich markets of Ghana and Kumbi.
  • Importance of Trade and Kingdoms/Mansa Musa
    This book explores the history of trade in Africa, focusing on the Sahara region and the rise and fall of various kingdoms.
  • The Ancient Ghana Empire With Mino
    Mino learns about the history and culture of ancient Ghana from his friends Greg and Abby, including its location, architecture, art, trade, religion, downfall, and impact on…
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