Landlord Books

  • The Highwayman
    A highwayman falls in love with the landlord's daughter, but their reunion is tragically interrupted by a jealous ostler.
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  • The Wise Cowboy
    I am a 9 year old boy and i am a fan of cowboys and i hope everyone loves my story
  • The Landlord and Andres
    Andres, a young orphan, discovers his true identity and finds a new family. He overcomes challenges and celebrates success.
  • Kelli was a Little Lamb
    Kelli, a teacher's assistant, loves reading and dreams of becoming a teacher. She enjoys various genres but dislikes college textbooks.
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  • The Cobbler and the Elf
    An elf seeks a Cobbler's help in making shoes, but is initially refused. The Cobbler falls short on a payment and the elf secretly completes the shoes. In the end, they both …
  • apartment troubles
    A tenant named Garrick complains about various issues in his apartment, including dust, a broken fridge, noisy neighbors, bad toiletries, an overheating TV, and leaks. He acc…
  • The Hundred knot Bamboo Tree
    A poor man named Khoai is promised the landlord's daughter if he cuts a 100-knot bamboo tree, but Buddha helps him trick the landlord and marry her.
  • The Adventures of Genevieve and Pickles
    Genevieve and Pickles start their glorious friendship through a lovely fashion show, Froot Loops, and wrinkly skin.
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